Our Research

The world does not need yet another market commentator. Our tools are designed to help investors along their investment journey

  • Signals: Trend reversal signals (Bull/Bear) on equity indices, Forex and government bonds
  • Trading systems: simple steps from concept, back tests to auto-trade
  • Money management: bet sizing algorithms, money/risk management tools
  • Psychology: research and practical tools on habit formation
  • Topics: discussions on the industry, trends

Better System Trader 2nd Interview:

  Andrew Swanscott has one of the best podcasts on trading out there. He has brilliantly interviewed world trading champions, legends such as Van Tharp, Larry Williams, Jerry Parker, Perry Kaufman etc. In each episode, there is a nugget of wisdom. One word of caution though: Better System Trader is more addictive than chocolate. It was an honour to be interviewed on […]

@Quora: In trading, how can I stop getting emotional?

Answer by Laurent Bernut: @Quora: In trading, how can I stop getting emotional? Excellent answer from @Nate Anderson. Viktor Frankl (Man’s search for a meaning) survived both Auschwitz and Dachau. One of his most profound lessons was that: “between stimulus and response, there is a space called freedom”. You cannot control what is happening to You, […]

Quora.com: What-do-the-fund-managers-that-consistently-beat-the-market-do-differently-when-picking-stocks-than-those-who-cant-beat-the-market

https://www.quora.com/What-do-the-fund-managers-that-consistently-beat-the-market-do-differently-when-picking-stocks-than-those-who-cant-beat-the-market Great fund managers are not smarter, they have smarter portfolio management habits. Making money is not about trying to be right, it is about accepting to be wrong and move on. That is much easier for married men… Portfolio Manager serenity prayer No manager consistently beats the markets. Every style has its peaks and […]

Products & Solutions

Our tools are eminently practical. They are designed to seamlessly integrate with investors workflows.

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Our Commitment

Master traders are not smarter, they have smarter trading habits. We are committed to helping market participants build smarter trading habits.

Our Experience

Laurent Bernut, Founder & CEO of ASC, has worked in the alternative investment space at Fidelity Investments, Rockampton, and Ward Ferry, for 14 years. For the past 8 years at Fidelity, his mandate as a dedicated short seller was to underperform the longest bear market in modern history: Japan equities.
We have:
  • 14 years experience in the alternative space, trading equities, options and Forex
  • experience generating alpha over 8 years as a short seller
  • developed risk management systems for portfolios
  • developed algorithmic strategies on multiple platforms
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