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Daily #Forex Signals 2015 – 04 – 15
Thought of the day: “He who awaits much can expect little”, Gabriel Garciel Marquez, Nobel Prize of magic
- Great traders are not smarter, they have smarter trading habits
- If You are interested in short-selling, trading systems, position sizing, trading psychology, visit us at: www.alphasecurecapital.com
- AUDCAD Bearish Strength 2015-04-14
- Bullish weakness: Longer-term trend is bullish. There has been some temporary weakness, but the uptrend is likely to resume
- Bearish strength: Longer-term trend is bearish. There has been some temporary rally, but the downtrend is likely to resume
- Volatility Channels (Horizontal dotted lines) : 1 Average True Range (ATR) away from the swing
- #X%: this is the distance from the opposite Volatility Channel. For example, in a bullish trend, it would be the distance from the swing low. It can be inetrpreted as a rudimentary 1% equity at risk bet sizing
- Disclaimer: this is neither a solicitation, nor an investment advice
The view from the short-side: how we process emotions and the market signature of the 5 stages of grief
Market participants are constantly asked to defend their conviction. The moment they have to justify their positions is the moment they lose impartiality. They become attached to whatever they have to defend. Being right is no longer about the process (taking calculated risks), but about the outcome (making money). A losing position is an attack on the ego. For this reason, market participants process emotions through a 5 stage cycle defined by Elizabeth Kubler Ross as the psychology of grief. Each phase has a distinctive market signature and even a specific language.
- Short sellers have a unique perspective on how market participants process emotions
- The 5 phases described: market regime, market signature, language and profitable course of action
- Market regime is usually sideways choppy. Stocks stop making new highs. They are trapped in a volatile range. Short interest is low. Bulls fight bears.
- Market signature is the compression of estimates. Optimistic and pessimistic analysts have fairly close estimates. All available information has been “baked in” the estimates. The decisive factor is a sudden penetration through support level.
- This is a “one-off”, “inventory adjustment”, “seasonal adjustment” etc
- This is a “Buy on Weakness opportunity”: Analysts are usually quite vocal as they appeal to market participants who were waiting for a pullback to enter a position
- Market regime has morphed into a choppy bear. Stocks make lower highs and lower lows. Volatility remains elevated. Short interest start to tick up. Professional short sellers, such as myself, put a chip on the table just to see. Fast money, those who bought the dips and lost money, turn around and engage in some revenge short selling.
- Market signature is characterized by institutional reducing their weight. Initial sellers are Long Onlys trimming their weights. Mutual funds may well keep their bets over the index, but they still trim their weights so as to reflect under-performance.
- “…But the market does not understand …”: that is always an interesting argument, particularly after years of out-performance, institutional participation. Market probably knows something analysts refuse to accept yet
- “Short-sellers and speculators are taking the stocks down…”: ignorant analysts and market commentators blame us for stocks tanking, yet facts are stubborn: short interest is low. Secondly, in order to sell short, we need to locate borrow. Borrow availability represents a tiny fraction of the free float. Simply said, we just do not have the might to take anything down.
- Market regime shifts from bear choppy to bear quiet. Bears have won the battle.
- Market signature is a softening of a leading indicator that triggers a downgrade of estimates. Negative earnings momentum attracts short-sellers. Short interest start to rise.
- “We take our estimates down, we revise our target price, we extend our investment horizon, but…”: Since analysts were ardent supporters, they believe they cannot change their mind at once
- “… We keep our Buy rating, because the long-term story is still intact”: the softening is not perceived as the symptom of a disease but a temporary setback
- Market regime is bear quiet to bear volatile because of short squeezes
- Market signature is 1) deterioration of newsflow , 2) radio-silence from the analyst community and 3) rapid increase in short interest
- crawl under their desks: they hardly contact companies or market participants
- “this is a stock for long-term investors”: to which there is only one retort: “then it should be matched by long-term commissions”. If they frown, sell short…
- Market regime is either quiet bull (small higher highs, higher lows) or sideways quiet
- Market signature is terrible news-flow, massive downgrade from the analyst community, elevated short interest (crowded short). It is also muted price action: stocks do not react to a torrent of bad news anymore
- “Structural short”, “flawed business model…”, “…mismanaged”: it sometimes becomes personal, because analysts had a rough inner journey being champions of a lost cause
Daily Signals #Forex 2015 – 04 – 13
Thought of the day: “None but ourselves can free our mind”, Bob Marley, prophet
- USDPHP USD Philippines Peso Bullish Weakness 2015-04-13
- SGD Generic Bullish Weakness 2015-04-13
- Great traders are not smarter, they have smarter trading habits
- If You are interested in short-selling, trading systems, position sizing, trading psychology, visit us at: www.alphasecurecapital.com
USDPHP USD Philippines Peso Bullish Weakness 2015-04-13
SGD Generic Bullish Weakness 2015-04-13
- Bullish weakness: Longer-term trend is bullish. There has been some temporary weakness, but the uptrend is likely to resume
- Bearish strength: Longer-term trend is bearish. There has been some temporary rally, but the downtrend is likely to resume
- Volatility Channels (Horizontal dotted lines) : 1 Average True Range (ATR) away from the swing
- #X%: this is the distance from the opposite Volatility Channel. For example, in a bullish trend, it would be the distance from the swing low. It can be inetrpreted as a rudimentary 1% equity at risk bet sizing
- Disclaimer: this is neither a solicitation, nor an investment advice