Our Research

The world does not need yet another market commentator. Our tools are designed to help investors along their investment journey

  • Signals: Trend reversal signals (Bull/Bear) on equity indices, Forex and government bonds
  • Trading systems: simple steps from concept, back tests to auto-trade
  • Money management: bet sizing algorithms, money/risk management tools
  • Psychology: research and practical tools on habit formation
  • Topics: discussions on the industry, trends

Has anybody gotten rich through automated trading?

Happy New Year from Alpha Secure Capital. This was an answer to a question on Quora. It has been read by more than 16,000 people. Now, I am a digital nomad investor: Viet Nam, Singapore, Tokyo, KL, Venezia, Palermo, Reikjavik. Rents get paid in our sleep, balance gets bigger by 1-3% every week. Dream life, […]

How complex are the algorithms used by financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and other hedge funds in their proprietary trading so…

This is an answer to a question on Quora. It got re-posted and shared across Quora users. Answer by Laurent Bernut: Complexity is a form of laziness Complexity is fragile: it works until it does not There are two types of algos: low-latency and systematic algos. Low-latency is the realm of HFT. Those algos can […]

Algorithmic trading: How to get started building an algorithmic trading system?

This is an answer to a question on Quora: Algorithmic trading: How to get started building an algorithmic trading system? Answer by Laurent Bernut: If investment is a process, then the logical conclusion is automation. Algorithms are nothing else than the extreme formalisation of an underlying philosophy. This is the visual expression of a trading edge […]

Products & Solutions

Our tools are eminently practical. They are designed to seamlessly integrate with investors workflows.

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Our Commitment

Master traders are not smarter, they have smarter trading habits. We are committed to helping market participants build smarter trading habits.

Our Experience

Laurent Bernut, Founder & CEO of ASC, has worked in the alternative investment space at Fidelity Investments, Rockampton, and Ward Ferry, for 14 years. For the past 8 years at Fidelity, his mandate as a dedicated short seller was to underperform the longest bear market in modern history: Japan equities.
We have:
  • 14 years experience in the alternative space, trading equities, options and Forex
  • experience generating alpha over 8 years as a short seller
  • developed risk management systems for portfolios
  • developed algorithmic strategies on multiple platforms
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